How do you say "Success" in Spanish?
What it takes to succeed in Hispanic Marketing today
The general market is dead... welcome the New America! – The general market has disappeared. In its place are multiple sub-Americas that coexist, nurture and benefit from each other. It's now perfectly right (not to mention delicious) to eat teriyaki chicken wrapped in a flour tortilla. Don't be trapped and limited by stereotypes. Expand your perceptions, be more creative and pan-cultural in your thinking… and grow your business.
Today's Latina is savvier than you may think she is – Research shows that there are now millions of Latinas in the U.S. working in professional, white collar, managerial and business owner/proprietor positions. They have a high usage of the internet, cell phones, iPods, social media, etc. Modern Latinas outnumber those in stay-at-home, blue collar or service jobs and represent prime targets for marketers smart enough to pursue them.
Warm up your brand to the Hispanic market – The United States remains the land of opportunity for millions of foreign-born. Hard-working, ambitious people from around the world who risked leaving what they know to build better lives here. Insightful marketers will recognize that they're selling much more than physical merchandise and services to these people. They're also offering hope, building dreams, providing personal validation… and facilitating a better tomorrow.
It's not only about Español – 56% of Hispanics are either English dominant or perfectly bilingual. Yet, English advertising is 77% less persuasive to Hispanics. Whether you communicate in Spanish or English, marketers need to hone in on the cultural nuances to create that desired connection where Hispanic consumers feel "they really get me."
Anita Santiago Advertising